Bench-Test Equipment

Once you have your head-end equipment installed and provisioned, it is time to Bench Test.

Why Bench Test

Bench testing is the process of testing equipment prior to being installed.

Bench testing helps you isolate issues during installation and can prevent you from having to mount and take down the camera. If there is an issue with the camera after installation and you have properly bench tested, you’ll know the issue almost certainly an issue caused by cabling.

Bench early also makes it more likely that SCW will be able to ship replacement equipment if needed without delaying project completion.

How to Bench Test

Bench testing does not necessarily have to take place at the job site. If you are in possession of the cameras before the installation starts, you can perform this step before you set foot on the job site.

In order to bench test, you will need:

  • The recorder plugged and powered on

  • A monitor with HDMI or VGA connected to view video (The default recorder resolution should be 1280x720.  Ensure your monitor supports at least 720p resolution.)

  • A short premade ethernet cable. 

Step 1:

Grab a short, premade, known working, ethernet cable.  

Step 2:

Plug the premade ethernet cable into recorder and then into the camera. 

Step 3:

If your IP camera is equipped with infrared, you may notice the faint red glow when connected. This means the unit is receiving power.  It may help to cup your hands around the camera to see the IR.  Some cameras also have LED lights on the internal circuit board that display activity.

Step 4: 

An IP camera generally takes about 1 to 2 minutes to fully boot.  Ensure you are looking at the full grid of the display by right clicking and going to multi window and clicking the largest option.

Step 5:

The IP camera should appear on the grid of the corresponding port. For example, the 1st grid spot should correspond with port 1 on the NVR.   

Note:  Most NVRs go bottom to top for numbering. For example, the bottom row port #1 is camera #1 and top row first camera is #2.   Ports will be labeled on the NVR.

Step 6:  

If the IP camera appears on the NVR monitor, you know the camera is working correctly and is ready to be installed.  

Step 7:

Move onto the next camera - this time try port 2 of the recorder.  This will also test the ports of the recorder as well. 

Step 8:  

If you have more NVR ports than you do cameras - test with another camera to ensure all the ports are working correctly as well.

Once these steps are completed you know you have a completely working system!

